
User Satisfactions & Supports is our Stamp of Quality

Vitroman are backed with numerous positive reviews and testimonials from international customers.

"I was shocked when looked at the results for the first time. At 16.33 nmol/L, it was almost a 50% increase in testosterone from my baseline test! Now if only a nuclear blast would wipe out the entire planet with the exception of one adult female and myself. Then I would finally get the chance to repopulate planet Earth within two decades." —Shaun Tan, Does Tongkat Ali Work? I Took It And Tested My Testosterone To Find Out

"I've been using Vitroman X-Power for a few months now, and I can definitely feel the difference in my energy levels and performance." John D.

"Vitroman Formula XP Gel is a game-changer. It really works!" Mike S.

For more verified customer reviews, you can visit our Judge.me review page. Here, you'll find detailed feedback from real customers about their experiences with Vitroman products.

Note: To protect the privacy of our customers, real identities are not disclosed. At any point of time, customers who share their happy results with us are not comfortable and chose not to display their successful achievement, kindly please indicate in the feedback.

  • Andy, 26 Years Old

    “I find it hilarious when my friends told me about it. I stopped laughing after trying it. I could feel improvement around 3 days. I’m more in control and hardness last longer. My dates are enjoying it.”

  • Jean, Saudi Arabia

    “My husband had always commented that my sex drive was higher than his. Homer is 67 this year, and his sex drive is getting lower by the day. However, we discovered Vitroman XP, and now whenever I caress Homer he gets all aroused and we have a normal sex life again, I feel like I’m young again!”

  • Fiona, Philippines, 22 Years Old

    “My boyfriend’s penis when erect is about 7 inches long, but during sex it is not hard enough, so I bought him Vitroman Formula XP for his birthday. On my insistence he used it, and now our sex life has improved dramatically. He was skeptical at first, but Vitroman really worked for him.”

  • Miss Kim, 25 Years Old

    “My boyfriend’s little guy had been having some problem standing up and this worried me as well. I was concerned about how this problem will affect our marriage in the future. When I read about Vitroman in the papers, I thought, why not? And I urged him to try. Now, we are happily preparing for our wedding. Believe me, Vitroman is effective, once you use it, you will know what I mean.”

  • Harry, 37 Years Old

    “I came across this article in the papers, saying that men should take good care of their penises. I thought to myself, why wait till I could no longer gain an erection before I started to do something? Hence I started taking Vitroman PowerPlus, and I was amazed at how it enhanced my performance in the bedroom. It gave me rock solid erections for extended periods, meaning long periods of lovemaking. My partner is very satisfied with my performance.”

  • Leona

    “My husband and I have had an active sex life for the past 30 years since marriage, but I really think we need to spice it up. We’d go through the same routine every time, and sometimes I wished we could try new things and not let the game be over so soon. I decided to buy him a new product. I came across, the Formula XP, and soon after using it, I noticed that he was harder during sex, resulting in more pleasure for both of us. We also try new positions and my sex life has never been better than now, thank you Vitroman.”

  • Kassim, Singapore, 55 Years Old

    “After reading a special report about this “Herbal Viagra” on a health magazine, my wife wanted me to give it a try. After 2 weeks of usage, I feel completely revived. My penis erects easily and fully and sustains through ejaculation.”

  • Simon, 57 Years Old

    “I feel really grateful to a salesgirl I met in Singapore, she understood my situation and recommended me Vitroman product. I thought to myself that there was no harm in trying it out, so I bought two boxes of it. Now, the long and tiring flights are no excuse when I go home to my wife, it makes me feel like a tiger in bed, thank you Vitroman!”

  • Wang, 70 Years Old, Retiree

    “I am getting on in years, and over time I lost my ability to have an erection. After using Vitroman Formula XP and Vitroman PowerPlus, I regained that ability, even having erections in the morning when I wake up. The health magazines recommended Vitroman products and gave me much confidence in myself, and I believe it will give men out there who want to enhance or revive their sex lives confidence to do so.”

  • Yishi, Taiwan

    “In the past, sex was just 'sex'. It had neither aim nor purpose, except to satisfy a carnal urge. Needless to say, over time, it got routine, boring even. However, we start using Vitroman XP, we are rediscovering the joys and pleasure of caressing and massaging one another, and the product also made him last longer in bed, now our sex life has been given a major lift, and I feel so much closer and attached to my hubby. Thank you Vitroman!”

  • Derick

    “A few years ago, when I first experienced difficulties in sustaining an erection, I was afraid and really depressed. I felt like my sex life was over, like all my energy had been taken away from me. I felt lost, confused and I didn’t know how I was going to face this reality. At the same time, I was really embarrassed to let anyone know of my condition, especially my wife. She repeatedly seduced me and initiated sex, but due to my condition, I either went all out or I insisted I was too tired to make love to her. I knew however that over time my actions will cause her to be helpless and hurt, and true enough she asked me one day if I didn’t love her anymore. I tried to convince her that the problem didn’t lie with her, and that I still loved her deeply, and revealed my condition to her. Lucky for me, I have a loving and understanding wife who stood by me in this difficult time. Vitroman was there for me too, and it not only helped me restore my sex life, it greatly enhanced it. I’ve regained my interest in sex and I now have a very healthy and active sex life. Thank you Vitroman!”

  • Muthu K, 42 Years Old, With Diabetes

    “I have been suffering from E.D. for quite some time and relying on drugs to sustain my performance. After using this product, my condition has been improving. My penis erects faster than before sustains longer.”

  • Betty T., Wife of User

    “When my husband Justin suffered from heart complications some 20 years ago, we couldn’t get any information on how to regain our sexual life. From the look at our age, you might think that sexual pleasures don’t interest us anymore. Justin started to feel frail and incompetent. It’s only when we lost it, we started to realize how important sex is to us. In this moment of distress, Vitroman Formula XP came into our lives. If only we know how Vitroman can improve our lives, we would have started using it earlier.”

  • Benjamin, 46 Years Old

    I used to have a wonderful sex life with my wife, until recently, I discovered that I had an erectile dysfunction. I felt ashamed and embarrassed to face my wife, who felt that she too was to blame. I felt really bad, and even though we tried but we just couldn’t have sex like before. That was before I discovered Vitroman XP, it solved my problems, gave me long-lasting and hard erections, and now we are having sex regularly again. This is an amazing product, and I recommend it to men out there facing the same problem that I did. Thanks!

  • Francis Ian, Switzerland

    “5 years back, I had a complicated heart bypass surgery that left my body weak and my legs hurting for a long time, as they extracted blood tissues from them. After a long period of recuperating, I found that I could not have an erection when having sex with my wife, Ally. I never imagined the operation would adversely affect this area of my life, and I felt really upset. However, Ally sourced out the Vitroman XP online, and after consuming the product and having massages around my genital area, I found that I could gain an erection again, and very soon, we were having sex again. All thanks to Vitroman!”

  • Zhao Han Rui, Shanghai

    “About 5 years ago, my diabetes started to affect my sex life, initially my erection could not last, then eventually I could not erect at all. Needless to say all these are apparent to my wife, Joanne. One day, I finally broke down and cried; I told Joanne I could no longer fulfill the duties of a husband. After pouring out my heart to Joanne, she told me something shocking, she said she was never interested in sex! This news come like a shot through my head. I was totally depressed and gave up on my sex life, until one day a friend introduced me to Vitroman. Since then I claimed my sex life back, and my wife confessed that she has finally taken an interest in sex.”

  • Samuel, 35 Years Old

    “My dad had prostate cancer 30 years ago and had to undergo an operation. He battled his illness and didn’t care what sacrifices he had to make. However, when I discovered last year that I had the same illness that he had then, he revealed to me that the operation killed off more than his illness: his sex life was over. My dad told me of this new product and encourage me to try as it worked wonders for him. I’m happy to say that after consuming Vitroman supplement, not only did I not lose my sex life, it was better than ever. Vitroman worked for my dad, it worked for me, and I’m sure it’ll work for all men out there, regardless of your age. I’m a very happy man now, thanks Vitroman!”

  • Archibald, 48 Years Old

    “I’ve been married to Fanny for many years, and though we have our differences here and there, our sex life has always been very fulfilling. We agreed to maintain our active sex life even after an operation I had for prostate cancer. When I discovered that I had erectile dysfunction after the operation, I was devastated. Needless to say, Fanny was upset too. We looked up numerous books and consulted several doctors and experts, but to no avail. I tried many sex boosters and enhancers, but those too, didn’t work. One day, I discovered Vitroman on the web, and order it on impulse, though I am usually skeptical about such products. Within a week of applying XP, I found that I could have an erection, but I couldn’t sustain it well. But after supplementing it with the PowerPlus, I could sustain an erection and am able to engage in sexual activity with Fanny again. Our sex life has returned to normal, thanks to Vitroman.”

  • Gan, 50 Years Old

    “This is great! I don’t need any other drugs anymore! My guy always rises to the occasion. I could feel blood rushing to it and I feel like a cannon ready for its shot.”

  • Charles A, United Kingdom

    “I have learnt a lot from this website, such as learning that men should take care of their penises. It’s like insurance, just as I got mine through Vitroman, now I know how to take care of my little brother. Plus, it’s inexpensive yet effective, so it’s like a low investment with high returns.”

  • Howard A, Norway

    “I am 52 years old. With Vitroman, sexual adventure is not an exclusive right for the youngsters. Real life has just begun for me and for that special someone who grows old with me. Sex for us is just a piece of cake. Day and night…the kitchen, the backyard, the garage…you name it, we did it.”

  • Zhang Feng Ying, Indonesia

    “I am turning 70 soon, and because of a certain Formula XP, I am still having sex with my wife, and it’s no different from our younger days. Before using Vitroman, we did try to have sex, but I didn’t have orgasms like last time. I just enjoyed the feeling of my wife caressing me, but now, I can have regular sex with my wife, thank you Vitroman!”

  • Timothy P, Brazil

    “We are the kind of typical couple, like what you see on the television and what others would say to be. For the first 3 years of marriage, sex was great. But after 20 years, it is no difference from your housework— after the Saturday night news, the same method, the same position, the same action, the same moment, the same “I love you too? and the same snore. For now, everything’s still the same, except for a new kick in life.”

  • Llyod, Argentina

    “When I was a teenager, I used to have really hard erections, but lately I found that even though I didn’t have trouble getting an erection, it was getting softer. I felt ashamed to let my wife know, so I kept it to myself. I even saw a doctor, who told me it was normal for aging men to experience this. However, after using Vitroman Formula XP, I began to have doubts about what the doctor said, because it allowed me to have rock solid erections, like how I did in the past when I was younger. Now I am enjoying better sex with my wife and I still use XP to maintain my sex life.”

  • Mr. Chun, Singapore, Chef

    Though I’m only 27, I don’t really enjoy my sex life. Eventhough I didn’t have trouble getting an erection but during sex, it is offen not hard enough. Won’t still, sometimes I ejaculate too early before my partner could get into the mood. Thank God, all these are history now after I was introduced to VITROMAN. Within a week of applying Formula XP, I’m getting a rock solid erection. Due to my long hours work, I easily tire out. So I add on VITROMAN Brazilian Catuaba. After a week of supplementing Formula XP with this Brazilian Catuaba, it really solves all my problems. Not only it gave me rock solid erection, it also present primitive ejaculation. Besides, I’m also feeling very energetic these days. Now, we are enjoying having sex regularly again cos it’s a long lasting and hard erection. It’s amazing, so I will not hesitate to recommend VITROMAN to whoever out these facing the same problem that I did. Thank you!

  • Basil P, Turkey

    “It happened when I consulted a doctor about these frequent headaches that developed, and he told me I had high blood pressure. I took his advice and started medication to control my blood pressure. What I didn’t know was the side effects of the drugs that were administered to me. I found that I had difficulty getting an erection, but I thought this was common for men approaching 50 years of age. My wife Amanda didn’t think so, and felt I should consult the doctor. He revealed that the drugs did have such a side effect, and he advised me against drugs for my condition as I had high blood pressure. Needless to say, I was crushed. I couldn’t believe that my sex life could be over just like that, and I was afraid to live out the rest of my life without sex. When I first came across Vitroman XP, I was skeptical, thinking that it was for young men, but under the insistence of my wife, I gave it a shot. I was amazed with the results! After using XP, I had no difficulty sustaining an erection, and my sex life has never felt so fulfilling. Now who said a man can’t have a sex life after 50?”